
Spelling guide workshop

Spelling guide development workshop

Dr MENSAH and his collaborators for the orthogarphe Cʊmbʊlʊŋ
Dr MENSAH and his collaborators for the orthogarphe Cʊmbʊlʊŋ

Dr MENSAH and his collaborators for the validation of the spelling guide Cʊmbʊlʊŋ

Group survey on marriage
Group survey on marriage

Group survey on marriage in the Cʊmbʊlʊŋ area

Chumbulung translation team

Cʊmbʊlʊŋ language translators

Team and community celebrate Arbor Day 2024 on the association's website
Team and community celebrate Arbor Day 2024 on the association's website

The team celebrates 1st June on its site

Training for members elected at the elective AGM
Training for members elected at the elective AGM

Training for the association's officers

The facilitator and two other members of Wycliffe-Benin
The facilitator and two other members of Wycliffe-Benin

The facilitator and other members of Wycliffe Benin

Members of the association's executive committee in training
Members of the association's executive committee in training

Members of the association's committee in training

The community and its partner
The community and its partner

The Cʊmbʊlʊŋ community and its partner's leaders

Presentation of the association's head office
Presentation of the association's head office

Presentation of the association's buildings

Spiritual retreat between the AAAK Board of Directors and its Executive Team

Spiritual retreat for CA and Team (2024)

Discussion session with community wises
Discussion session with community wises

Discussion session with the community's wise men 

Luc's series sharing session
Luc's series sharing session

A  sharing moment of Luc's series in Gbédé


As President of the honoured association ACƱMBƱLƱŊPƱ AJI ANƖ KƱSƱ, it is my duty and honour to send you my most sincere greetings and to welcome you to our revered platform, the ''House of ACƱMBƱLƱŊPƱ''. I humbly wish to offer my first greetings to God, the pillar of all inspiration and enlightened guide of our actions. My deepest respects extend to all the members of our precious community, whether in the diaspora near or far, who are enlightened witnesses to our dedication and unwavering will. I would also like to extend my distinguished greetings to all the eminent political and administrative leaders of the communes of Ouèssè and Savè, as well as to the worthy local elected representatives and the venerable traditional chiefs at all levels.

Head  of ACƱMBƱLƱŊPƱ AJI ANƖ KƱSƱ  Association

The President: Mr OLOUKOÏ Valérien


ACƱMBƱLƱŊPƱ AJI ANƖ KƱSƱ association , nobly established in the year of grace 2019, embodies a non-profit organization. It is fervently dedicated to critically important missions such as holistic literacy, translation, community development, beneficial dissemination of the holy scriptures, provision of high-value training, as well as other much-needed services to the community.

Association logo

The Association's logo

Acumbunlupo and their partner

The Acumbunlupo and their partner


By the year 2033, the enlightened members of the prestigious Cumbuluŋ community will have mastered reading, writing and speaking the Cumbuluŋ language. They will have access to a plethora of biblical texts translated into their mother tongue and will witness the realisation of many other community-based initiatives, works that will embellish and enrich this community.

"May this website reflect our dedication and commitment to a better future for all. Welcome to you all!"

Long live the ACƱMBƱLƱŊPƱ,

Long live linguistic restoration,

Long live the development of our Community.

Verse of the day

you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Exodus 20:5

Thank you for reading and meditating on today's verse. We would like to inform you that the verses change every day and we invite you to visit the site regularly to benefit from them.


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